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Safeguarding Your Solar Panel Investment

Let Solar Safeguard (NW) Ltd maintain and protect your system at peak condition. An annual contract safeguarding your PV investment will give you peace of mind. We will contact you when your next service is due with a gentle reminder 2 weeks before we are due to come for the annual service. Then we can arrange a time and date that suits you. Taking out an annual service contract with us might seem to be a small bite into your yearly return on your wise investment but it makes perfect sense to have your system in safe hands making sure its running at peak condition year in year out rather than leaving it until a problem arises and cost you more in lost revenue. Our mission at Solar Safeguard (NW) Ltd is to provide to all our customers a professional, honest and yet an affordable price for safeguarding your investment.

Your Solar Panel system investment is our passion.

Moving House

When you come to sell your property that has a solar panel system, you have three main options.

  1. Leave the panels on the house and sell the system with the feed in tariff along with it.
  2. Leave the panels on the house but keep the feed in tariff.
  3. Remove the installation completely and re-install at your new property.

The decision will depend on numerous factors.

The price of the property, the remaining value of the feed in tariff, what the purchaser can afford, the size of the system and if it will fit on your new property.

We can help you reach that decision by giving you all the options and costs involved.

As every system is different and with all the above considerations, please call us for an appointment for advice and the best way to protect your investment.